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General information
On behalf of Gentera and its companies, I appreciate your interest to know more about our results.
Our history begins in 1990, with the purpopse of bringing development opportunities to women at the bottom of the pyramid who have a productive activity.
Today we work for the financial inclusion in Mexico and Peru serving the underserved segment through the companies that are part of Gentera -Compartamos Banco, Compartamos Financiera, Yastás, Aterna, Fiinlab, ConCrédito- and Fundación Compartamos. Always having the person at the center of our actions.
The financial solutions that Gentera currently offers are working capital loans, insurance, savings and payment channels, in addition to financial education and client protection, with the objective of improving the life quality and development opportunities of people, generating shared value.
Since April 2007, date in which Compartamos Banco, nowadays Gentera, was listed in the Mexican Stock Exchange, we offer our shareholders, through different media, timely and transparent information about the operations and finance of the company, in order to continue generating economic value and providing at all the times transparency to our stakeholders.
At Gentera, we are committed with providing a close and quality service to our clients and shareholders.
Thank you.
Mario Ignacio Langarica Ávila
Chief Financial Officer
Mexico / Gentera
Investors Relations
Enrique Barrera Flores, IRO
Brenda García Cárdenas, IR
Daniela Galicia Cabrera, IR
Insurgentes Sur No. 1458, Col. Actipan, Del. Benito Juárez,Ciudad de México
C.P. 03230
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Schedule of events
June 20-22: JP Morgan Mexican Opportunities Conference (Mexico City)

Press release & conference call
Press release: Wednesday, July 26th
Conference Call: Thursday, July 27th
Press release: Wednesday, October 25th
Conference Call: Thursday, October 26th
Corporate video
We boost the dreams of our clients by attending to their financial needs with a human sense.