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3 decades bringing opportunities that promote development
We promote the dreams of our clients by attending to their financial needs with a human sense.
A group of Companies at the disposal of our clients
The gateway for more than 13 million people to the financial system.

Aware of the impact of our activities in the countries where we operate and aligned with our social origin, we are building our Sustainability strategy.
Knows thoroughly our strategy
Investor Relations
Providing at all times transparency, quality services and warmth to our clients and shareholders.
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Financial Education
Through different actions and communication channels, we offer information in topics about personal finance and in the use of financial services.
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Social vocation
Being born as an ONG (NGO) our social vocation has driven us to contribute to the development of people and there communities.
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Job bank
We promote a work environment in which our collaborators can develop in an integral way and achieve their goals.
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Recent news
Learn about the activities and achievements of our companies through our press releases.
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